Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Apology and Alibis About This Blog... Plus an Important Announcement

As you may notice, I had not posted a thing in here for the last couple of months. This may not be a big deal to a lot of people, but I got to know a few who had been looking forward but, alas, found nothing. I'm sorry to have disappointed you.

Truth be told, I'm quite disappointed, too.

I started this blog with so much promise. I used to post at least 2 new articles almost every 12 hours. I was overflowing with the creative juices that kept me writing incessantly. It was never easy to compose one article, but it made me inexplicably happy and fulfilled. But then, a realization came over me. I could do this forever, but it's not the only thing that I should do. And so, I had to push this 'hobby' on the sides and try to find a real financially beneficial job.

Thank God, I found one. It was not very hard and was averagely paying. I really like working for a tour company. It was one of my biggest dreams in life. I became so engrossed in being good at my work that I slowly forgot to update this site. I know there's nobody to be blamed for this, but I still felt robbed. Of my time. Of my hobby. Of my spark. Of a part of my Essence.

 I've been planning to write this post for weeks. It's only know that I found the chance, the courage and the drive to do so. I finally resolved to not let this little special flame inside of me get extinguished by the flow of my 'other life'. Now, I'm finally claiming it, I'm already Greek god in my own right. And I won't let common mundane happenings get the best of what I ought and what I want to do.

No, no, no. I'm not saying that I'm gonna quit my job just to write full time. I just wanna tell everyone that from now on, you may expect one to two articles per week in this simple blog.

So as to make up for the lost times, I revised ALL my already posted articles for a better Greek mythology experience. Some of them I have changed a lot, but most have just had their formats altered.
- Be present in the CLASH OF THE TITANIDES, and once again, meet: Theia, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, Themis and Rhea. Plus the goddess Dione.
- Go BACK TO BASICS and meet some of the gods who started it all: Aether, Hemera and Erebus.

Starting next week, I'll be posting articles about the other gods... including those you haven't heard of. Also....


The world of mythology is a VAST and COMPLICATED world, and I know that I can't record every godly happenings alone. So, from now on... I'LL BE ACCEPTING contributions from you my chosen few readers. Here's what you just have to write about:
-Your choice god/goddess/mythical being (Pls. be aware that we don't post about mortals here, except those who have been apotheosized)

In your article, please include their:
- Name (of course)
- Family
- Realms or powers
- Major stories
- Comparative mythology (that is, comparison to other pantheons)
-Whatever you think has happened to them
- And, their modern relevance

Just one warning, please make sure that what you'll submit will be your own original composition. Of course, no one wants to get to the bad side of things.

Also, please be informed that the articles you'll submit will be edited before getting posted here to make sure of its content.

If you are interested, just e-mail me your contributions, with the title of the article written in the subject line.

This blog is not only about me now. I believe in you demigods and gifted mortals. I am looking forward to your write ups. TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE IT BETTER.


  1. You might soon expect a contribution from a certain mythology prodigy by the name of V. Sharma

  2. Name of person who is giving this contribution to your blog- V Sharma
    Name of My choice deity: Oceanus
    His Family: Tethys (Wife),Uranus and Gæa (Parents) 6000 sea deities (Offspring)
    Realm:Certain parts of the Ocean, Brackish waters and beaches
    Major stories: refusal of rebellion against his dad, raising of Poseidon to save the kid from Cronus's stomach acid, and lastly, support of his foster son/nephew during the Titanomachy
    Comparative Mythology: Varuna, Hindu god of water (alias Asshayânam, cognate to Oceanus)
    Whatever happened to him:after the Titanomachy, he gave the Mediterranean sea to his foster son/nephew and went to the Atlantic and still rules over it wisely
    Modern Significance:Origin of the Ænglish (or what everyone else calls English) word 'Ocean'

  3. Oceanus: refusal of rebellion: Uranus,the sky god, disgusted by his children, the Hecathonchires (who had 50 heads and 100 hands) imprisoned them in Tartarus. Pained by this, their mother Gæa,the earth goddess asked her other group of children by Uranus, the Titans to kill him. The only one to agree was the youngest (13 in divine years), Cronus. He took an adamantine sickle and gave a greivous bow to Uranus. Oceanus then used his elemental powers to good use by seeping into the earth, then the underworld and finally into Tartarus. He freed one, Briareus and whisked him away to the swirling seas. Oceanus then turned him to a more tranquil form and renamed him Ægeon, lord of storms. In the skies, Cronus took the blood of Uranus and threw it into the Seas. Intercepting it, Tethys, goddess of the sea and wife of Oceanus gulped the blood down. And 9 months later she gave birth to Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, new life and fertility.
